Company name liger bathroom furniture co . , 公司名称:天雪果儿童装服饰
On march 23 last year , huan huan delivered her first set of quadruplet ligers 去年4月23日欢欢生下了它的第一群四胞胎狮子虎
The mother delivered her first liger , zao zao , on june 29 , 2004 , but it died 50 hours later 欢欢2004年6月29日生下了第一只狮子虎早早.但生下来50个小时后,早早就死了
" the liger family of xiao er hei and huan huan is now one of the largest of its kind in the world , " liu said 刘先生最后说,由小儿黑和欢欢组成的这个家庭是世界上最大的狮子虎家族了
Huan huan has given birth to 12 ligers in five deliveries since 2004 , and 10 of them have survived , a world record , liu said 刘先生接着说,欢欢从2004年开始连续5次分娩生了12只狮子虎.其中的10只存活了下来,这也是一个世界纪录了
The total yield of the two from the three varieties were about 14 . 6 % and 13 . 72 % higher than that of the control when the variety of liger ( 87 - 5 ) was treated as control 在青果产量方面里格尔( 87 - 5 )依然有18 . 78 %的果实未成熟,其它两品种成熟性较好。
G rard liger - belair is associate professor at the university of reims champagne - ardenne in france , where he studies the physical chemistry of bubbles in carbonated beverages 李杰?贝拉是法国蓝斯香宾阿丹尼大学的副教授,他在那里研究碳酸饮料的物理化学。
Liger - belair splits his time between the science of thin films and interfaces and high - speed photography , the results of which have appeared in many exhibitions 李杰?贝拉把他的心力分别专注于薄膜与介面的科学以及高速摄影上,他的作品曾出现在许多摄影展中。
Twin ligers ping ping and an an , a male and a female , were delivered by huan huan on may 2 , 2005 . they are now the oldest surviving ligers in china 双胞胎平平和安安分别是雄性和雌性.他们是由欢欢在2005年5月2日生的.平平和安安是目前中国健在的年龄最大的狮子虎了
Four ligers , a rare lion - tiger hybrid , were born several weeks ago in a wildlife park in china ' s southernmost island province of hainan , a park official said wednesday 星期三一位工作人员说,几个星期前位于我国最南端的海南岛省的一个野生动物园内出生了四只稀有的狮子虎