Feel the wrath of my dick , fucking layabouts 我愤怒了,你们这帮游手好闲的猪
Mother ' s concerned because peter is an unkempt layabout 妈担心是因为彼得是个又乱又懒的家伙
The question of how to deal with the growing number of retired people has recently been seen as chiefly a financial puzzle : how to pay for the leisure of those ageing layabouts 如何处理不断增加的退休人员现在已成为首要财政难题:如何为那些年长的慵懒人提供休闲。
Should some gum - chewing layabout sit in one of those seats , he will soon be asked to move by one better entitled to it who will have the manifested moral support of all the other passengers 要是在哪位懒散闲荡、口嚼口香糖的人在这种座位上坐下来,很快就会有比他更适宜坐下的人请他让座,而其他所有乘客必定会表示一致的道义支持。