Jane lampton clemens , and their oldest son , orion , managed to regain possession of the little house on hill street , and the family moved back into it that summer 其妻简?兰普顿?克莱门斯和长子奥利翁,设法重新得到了希尔街那栋小屋的产权,并在那年夏天举家搬了回去。
As mr lampton points out , just as americans overstate china ' s export prowess as a source of economic power , so they underestimate china ' s intellectual , cultural and diplomatic influence 正如兰伯顿所指出的,美国夸大了中国作为经济强国的内在出口动力,这样一来就低估了中国的知识、文化与外交影响。
In a forthcoming book about china , david lampton of the school of advanced international studies at johns hopkins university argues that nations define and achieve their goals using three means : coercion , material inducement or intellectual motivation 大卫?兰伯顿来自霍普金斯大学高级国际关系研究学院,他在即将出版的一本新书中称,高压政策、物质刺激、知识奖励是一国设定及达到自己目标的三种办法。
Lu ning , the dynamics of foreign - policy deeision making inchina , boulder , colorado : westview press , 1997 ; david lampton , ed . , the making of chinese foreign and security policy in the era ofreform , 1978 - 2000 , stanford , california : stanford university press , 2001 , pp . 12 - 13 张清敏: 《外交决策与国际关系研究中个人的地位与作用》 ,载楚树龙、耿溱主编: 《世界、美国与中国》 ,北京:清华大学出版社, 2003年版,第96 100页。