The antimicrobial activity study of lactarius deliciosus l . : fr . gray 松乳菇的抗菌活性研究
Efects of wild lactarius volemus from guizhou province on immunological function in mice 对399例愿意配合的患者进行问卷调查;将伤残调整寿命年
The chemical composition and opening up and utilizing prospect of lactarius natsudake and lactarius volemus 红汁乳菇和多汁乳菇的化学成分及其开发利用前景
Effects of different nitrogen sources on the growth nitrogen uptake and nitrate reductase activities of ectomycorrhizal fungus lactarius delicious 氮源对松乳菇生长及氮吸收和硝酸还原酶活性影响