Secretary bird is found in the sudan in the areas of kordofan and darfur as well as the blue nile area and the dry areas of the southern part of the country 因此,从面积来说,苏丹是整个阿拉伯和非洲国家中面积最大的国家,也被认为是世界十大国家之一。
If war broke out , it would probably be fought in the disputed oil fields in the borderlands between north and south : in southern kordofan , abyei , unity and the upper nile states ( see map ) 如果战争爆发,那么这场战争将可能在南北苏丹交界处的原油争端地区进行,也就是下图所示的几个地区:科尔多凡南部地区、阿拜伊、尤里提与尼罗河上游各省。