| 1. | See the ssh - keygen man page for more details 参阅ssh - keygen手册以获得更多细节。 |
| 2. | Run the installer , and run the keygen located in the edge dir 运行安装程序,并且运行在edge目录里的注册机。 |
| 3. | Thank you for flying edge airlines - why patch when you can keygen 感谢你搭乘edge的航线飞行? ?如果你有序列号的话,为什么还要使用补丁呢? |
| 4. | If you don t supply a passphrase , then ssh - keygen will generate keys which are not encrypted 如果您没有给出口令,那么ssh - keygen将生成没有加密的密钥 |
| 5. | An interesting feature of ssh - keygen is that it will allow you to simply press enter when prompted for a passphrase Ssh - keygen的一个有趣特性是,当提示输入一个口令时,它让您可以只是简单地按下回车键。 |
| 6. | Once logged on to the offsite storage machine , use the ssh - keygen program to create a public private key pair using the - t dsa option 登录到离线存储服务器以后,使用ssh - keygen程序并给出- t dsa选项来创建一个公钥/密钥对。 |
| 7. | During the execution of ssh - keygen , you ll be prompted for the location where the ssh keys will be stored before you re asked for a passphrase 在ssh - keygen执行的过程中,在询问您口令( passphrase )之前,将提示您输入ssh密钥存储的位置。 |
| 8. | Because the . ssh directory which ssh - keygen creates is a hidden " dot " directory , pass the - a option to the ls command to view the newly created directory Ssh目录是一个隐藏的“ dot ”目录,所以要给ls命令传入一个- a选项来查看新创建的目录: |
| 9. | Simply press enter when asked where to save the key and the ssh - keygen program will create a hidden directory called . ssh if one doesn t already exist along with two files , a public and private key file 当询问在何处存储密钥时只需要按下回车键,然后ssh - keygen程序将创建一个名为. ssh的隐藏目录(如果原来不存在) ,以及两个文件,一个公钥文件和一个私钥文件。 |
| 10. | You are now at the “ telephone authorization ” screen , it will show you your lock code near the bottom of the window , enter this into the lock code fields in the keygen , select sql _ no _ cache sql _ no _ cache the product / feature you wish and now generate your license code , press next in the licensing wizard and then copy this code into the license code field 你现在会在“电话认证”的界面,它会在窗口下面显示你的锁定码,把这个码输入到算号器的锁定码里,选择你想安装的产品或是功能,你现在就可以产生你的许可证了,点下一步,并把许可证输入就可以了。 |