| 1. | 352 , east people rd , kashi 844000 喀什市人民东路352号 |
| 2. | Kashi in the eye of westerners 西方人视野中的喀什 |
| 3. | Structural features of fold - thrust zone in kashi depression , western tarim basin 塔里木盆地西部喀什凹陷褶皱冲断带的构造特征 |
| 4. | From kashi state revenue bureau , to be good at flute and sax playing , like literature 来自喀什地区国税局,擅长长笛和sax演奏,爱好文学。 |
| 5. | The mosque with a history of 500 years is situated on the aitika square in the downtown area of kashi city 位于喀什市中心的艾提尕尔广场,至今有500多年历史,寺前广场平时是散布交易之所。 |
| 6. | Early oil reservoir had been destroyed by the tectogencsis in later plioccne , and forming oilsand on the surface occurrence in northern kashi sag 上新世晚期的构造运动破坏了早期形成的油藏,在喀什凹陷北部地表形成油砂。 |
| 7. | The oil source of oilsand in northern kashi sag came from jurassic hydrocarbon source whose reservoir - forming stage might be from miocene to pliocene 喀什凹陷北部油砂的油源来自于侏罗系烃源岩,成藏期为中新世至上新世。 |
| 8. | This paper is derived form the task of the gis lab - the management information system about the utilization of the land resource in kashi 本论文是地理信息系统实验室横向课题喀什市土地管理信息系统的一个重要组成部分,是对mapgis的二次开发与完善。 |
| 9. | The land resource management information systems in karshi adopted in this research is built by geographic information system lay upon the demand by land resource department in kashi 在对软件开发语言的选择上,通常选用vc + + , vb , delphi等可视化编程语言。 |
| 10. | Kashi was a commodity distributing center 2 , 000 years ago and the bazaar of kashi the earliest international market in the western part of china 早在2000年前,喀什就是丝绸之路上的商品集散地。喀什巴扎是中国西部最早的国际市场,今天,这里仍然是物品丰富,购销两旺。 |