| 1. | Both jyotish and western traditions have existed for millennia 周谛士和西洋传统都已经存在数千年。 |
| 2. | In past centuries , brahmins have been the primary practitioners of jyotish 在过去数百年,婆罗门是主要的周谛士从业者。 |
| 3. | In the last century , a renaissance of study of jyotish and other vedic sciences has emerged in india and the west 上一个世纪,对周谛士和其他吠陀科学的复兴研究已经浮现在印度和西方。 |
| 4. | Predictions in jyotish incorporate various elements around the birth chart - influences of transits ( similar to western astrology though more focused on houses or bhavas ) as well as dashas 周谛士的预言与围绕出生图表的各种要素形成一体? ?对转变的影响(类似的是西洋占星术,通过对房子和行为的更多关注) ,同时达莎也一样。 |
| 5. | In hindu culture , newborns are traditionally named based on their jyotish charts , and jyotish concepts are pervasive in the organization of the calendar and holidays as well as in many areas of life and science 在印度文化里,新生婴儿通常是依照占星图而给他们命名,占星术的概念普遍深入地在历法和假日的组织上,同时也在生活和科学的很多领域上。 |
| 6. | A further unique concept in jyotish not seen in western astrology is the concept of dashas - a mathematical analyses that breaks down human or the subject ' s lifetime into various sub - periods based on the location of moon at birth 周谛士更深一层的独特概念是西洋占星术没有的,那就是达莎的概念? ?一种中止人或受制生命的数学分析法,在建立在出生时的月亮位置的基础上的子循环里面。 |
| 7. | Vedic astrologers will frequently prescribe special stones , or specific therapeutic practices or meditation techniques using mantras to those facing difficult or unclear futures as predicted by means consistent with jyotish methodology 吠陀占星家会指定特别的石头,或者特别的治疗法,或者冥想技巧,利用咒语去面对困难或者不确定的将来,作为与周谛士方法论相协调一致的手段去作为预报。 |
| 8. | Mostly , these are inherited from a system first enunciated in jyotish vedanga ( one of the six adjuncts to the vedas , 12th to 14th century bc ) , standardized in the surya siddhanta ( 3rd century ) and subsequently reformed by astronomers such as aryabhata ( 499 ) , varahamihira ( 6th century ) , and bhaskara ( 12th century ) 主要地,它们最初是由《周谛士吠陀》 (出于公元前12至14世纪,是吠陀六分支的其中之一)体系继承而来,在《苏雅西德汉塔》 (公元三世纪)里得以标准化,后来陆续被阿里亚巴塔( 499 ) ,伐罗诃密希罗(六世纪) ,毗迦罗(十二世纪)等的天文学家革新。 |