From a child this frank had been a donought that his father , a headborough , who could ill keep him to school to learn his letters and the use of the globes , matriculated at the university to study the mechanics but he took the bit between his teeth like a raw colt and was more familiar with the justiciary and the parish beadle than with his volumes 彼曾受雇于一名在波尔多118拥有酒窖之白兰地出口商,操上流人士之文雅法语。弗兰克生性怠情,其父一小警官煞费苦心,送彼学习文理并掌握地球仪注册升入大学,专攻机械学。然而彼任性放肆若未驯之野驹,对法官与教区差役比对书本更亲。