| 1. | Shantou jinfeng electrical equipment factory 汕头市星光集团有限公司 |
| 2. | Middle of jinfeng street of linzhang county 临漳县金凤大街中段 |
| 3. | Just as jinfeng is getting some headway in her career , she discovers she is pregnant 金凤知名度渐渐提升之际,却被验出怀孕! |
| 4. | Jinlong is convinced kaijie has something to do with jinfeng ' s death after hearing this 金龙听到,证实了金凤之死确和凯杰有关。 |
| 5. | Kaijie buys a condominium unit for jinfeng to stay in and both continue their illicit affair 凯杰买公寓给金凤住,维持两人不正当的关系。 |
| 6. | Xiao gu feels that the entertainment industry is too complicated and refuses to let jinfeng be involved 笑姑觉得娱乐圈复杂,坚决不让金凤去拍戏。 |
| 7. | Using her career as an excuse , kaijie tells jinfeng to go for an abortion so as not to affect her future 凯杰以她在娱乐圈刚崭露头角,不能因此毁了前程为由,要带她悄悄去堕胎。 |
| 8. | However , jinfeng has an asthma attack during her operation and this leads to her family finding out about her abortion 不料手术时金凤哮喘发作,入院抢救,家人终知道她堕胎的事。 |
| 9. | In a moment of confusion , kaida thinks he sees jinfeng and apologizes to her , saying he promised kaijie not to reveal the truth 凯达意志模糊之际,似乎看见了金凤,他频频向金凤道歉,说答应了凯杰不说出真相。 |
| 10. | July , 2007 ? boart long year drilling service , asia . guizhou jinfeng gold mining industry , sino gold . work as a site interpreter and office administrator 2007年七月至今,中国黄金贵州锦丰金矿宝长年钻探服务(亚洲)公司现场翻译兼办公室行政管理。 |