It was now jauntily in a corner of his mouth . 现在得意地把它叼在他嘴边。
His straw hat stuck jauntily on the side of his head . 他那顶草帽时髦地斜扣在头上。
His big slouch hat even was cocked jauntily over the bed-post . 他那边缘下垂的大帽子逍遥地歪戴在床柱子上。
He returned frowning, his face obstinate but whistling jauntily . 他回来时皱眉蹙额,板着脸,嘴上却快活地吹着口哨。
His breeches, his white rubber shoes and his jauntily slung waterproof expressed youth . 他的马裤,那双雪白橡胶鞋,以及洒脱地甩在肩上的雨衣,都焕发着青春。
We could tell there was no warning from the way he sauntered into the bathroom, singing jauntily to himself in russian . 从他轻松愉快地哼着俄文歌走进浴室的那种逍遥自在的样子看,我们可以断定他没有接到警报。
Hes worth it ! he sat down by his wife , setting his elbow jauntily on his knee , and ruffling up his grey hair 他坐在妻子身旁,豪放地把胳膊肘撑在膝盖上,斑白的头发给弄得蓬乱。
He gazed at her dress , then at her hair , where a becoming hat was set jauntily , then into her eyes , which she took all occasion to avert 他凝视着她的衣服,然后转向她的头发,头上很神气地戴着一顶合适的帽子,最后盯住了她的眼睛,她却竭力地避开他的目光。
Seryozhka snatches the compasses out of the hands of the perspiring matvey , and in an instant , jauntily twirling round on one heel , he describes a circle on the ice 谢辽日卡从冒汗的玛特威手里把两脚规夺过去,然后站稳一只脚,猛的往后一转,一刹那间就在冰上画出个圆圈。
Anatole went out of the room , and a few minutes later he came back wearing a fur pelisse , girt with a silver belt , and a sable cap , jauntily stuck on one side , and very becoming to his handsome face 阿纳托利从房里走出来,过了几分钟又走回来,他身穿一件束着银腰带的短皮袄,雄赳赳地歪歪地戴着一顶与他那清秀的面孔很相称的貂皮帽子。