The jailor brought up another livid prisoner . 那个狱卒又带来了一个面无人色的犯人。
The watchers were the jailors and marshals of night elf society until shortly after the third war 直到第三次战争后的一段时间里,守望者都是暗夜精灵族的典狱和执法官。
The jailor at philippi asked paul and silas : " sirs , what must i do to be saved ? 腓力比的监工问保罗和希拉斯说: “二位先生,我当怎样行才可以得救” (使徒行传16 : 30 ) ?
By this point in time , however , illidan was already an extraordinarily powerful sorcerer , and malfurion dared not leave his captive twin to be guarded by only one or two jailors 然而,伊芮丹他已经是一个拥有超凡力量的施法者,尽管囚禁得及时,玛法里奥仍然不敢只留一两个狱卒来把守他的同胞兄弟。