n. 1.英王詹姆士二世退位以后的拥戴者,要求詹姆士二世的后裔继承王位者。 2.美国小说家亨利詹姆士 (Henry James) 的崇拜者。 短语和例子 -bitic, -bitical adj.
Example Sentences:
There was nothing for it but to sit and hear jacobite toasts and gaeliz songs . 除了坐下来领教约各派的干杯祝辞和盖尔话的歌曲以外,还有什么办法呢。
There have not been wanting rebels or revolutionaries - jacobites in the eighteenth century , jacobins in the early nineteenth , for example - but they have never appealed to more than a minority 总有一些不大需要的反抗和革命者,例如18世纪的詹姆斯二世的用户者以及19世纪初期的雅各宾派,但是他们仅仅得到少数人的支持而以。