Abigail was the mother of amasa , whose father was jether the ishmaelite 17亚比该生亚玛撒、亚玛撒的父亲是以实玛利人益帖。
And abigail bore amasa , and the father of amasa was jether the ishmaelite 17亚比该生亚玛撒;亚玛撒的父亲是以实玛利人益帖。
[ bbe ] and abigail was the mother of amasa ; and the father of amasa was jether the ishmaelite 亚比该生亚玛撒、亚玛撒的父亲是以实玛利人益帖。
And over the camels was obil the ishmaelite ; and over the asses was jehdeiah the meronothite ; and over the flocks was jaziz the hagrite 30掌管驼群的是以实玛利人阿比勒;掌管驴群的是米仑人耶希底亚;掌管羊群的是夏甲人雅悉。
Myrrh was an extremely valuable commodity during biblical times and was imported from india and arabia . the ishmaelite caravan which carried joseph to slavery in egypt also bore myrrh 没药在圣经时期是一种极度贵重的日用品,是从印度和阿拉伯半岛进口而来。以实玛利人的商队携带约瑟到埃及当奴隶的时候也带有没药。