According to certain knowledges , the thought of fish is the best invigorant for brain isn ' t absurd 就有知识所及,鱼是最好的补脑食物这种看法不是荒谬的
Historically chinese have been taken panax ginseng as a natural invigorant in nourishing and strengthening life 中国历史以来都用人参作为滋补强身的天然补品。
From the ancient to the present day , almond is still a wonderful invigorant . contained well - selected natural almond as ingredient makes it to have a mesmeric aroma of taste 精选天然优质甜杏仁,杏仁古今中外便是滋补佳品,融合了麦好多黑豆素杏仁香气,有一股令人无法抗拒的特殊浓郁口感。