I am chenjian , is an introversive boy ' s son , i hope to arrive at the here to study more things . hope that a can point out much and much . thanks 我叫陈健,是一个很内向的男孩子,我希望来到这里学习更多的东西。希望个位能多多指点.谢谢
Hamlet ' s character is too introversive , in addition , he is too careful and single - hand , which make him hesitates so as to delay his action . therefore , hamlet perishes together with the enemy 性格过于内向、审慎及单枪匹马的处境,使他感到犹豫,造成他行动上的延宕。因此最后只能是与敌人同归于尽。
Additionally , gong du sheng ' s anxiety level is higher than that of middle school students and the characters of them are more introversive than those of middle school students are 此外,工读生与中学生比较,工读生的焦虑水平明显高于中学生;性格也明显比中学生趋于内向,在神经过敏性方面两者则没有明显差异。
The distribution of personality types ( the introversive type , the middle type , the low , middle and high psychotic type ) confronts with the normal mode . the students who belong to the middle type account for an overwhelming majority of 85 . 25 % 初中生个性的分配(内向、中间型、外向和精神质低、中间、精神质高)与常模相符,情绪稳定性居中的人占绝大多数( 85 . 25 ) 。
It is believed that the driving factors lie in the subjective and objective factors , such as , personal needs , constant social development , powerful policy support and rich sports tourism resources , while the restrictive ones are within the joint forces , such as , introversive personality of our chinese nation , calmness - loving tradition and other unconsummated social facilities 分析认为:个人的内在需要、社会的不断发展、政策的有力支持及丰富的体育旅游资源等主客观原因成为支撑国内体育旅游可持续发展的“动因” ; “内敛”的民族性格和“主静”的传统文化以及社会发展“不成熟”因素的合力成为阻碍体育旅游可持续发展的“制因” 。