Standard guide for measuring electrical contact intermittences 测量电接触中断用标准导则
Intermittence analysis of pressure fluctuation signal in scisr 撞击流反应器内压力波动信号的间歇性分析
Effective working course intermittence 有效作业行程断续
Explorative analysis on the inner troubles of main boby - intermittence philosophy and its way - out 主体间性哲学的内在困境及出路探析
Observation of safety for hormone intermittence cycle sequential therapy for perimenopausal syndrome 激素间歇周期序贯疗法治疗围绝经期综合征
Following the increasing capability of wind power , the distribution networks will be under disturbances by reason of the randomness and intermittence of the power resources 由于风能具有随机性和间歇性的特点,随着风电规模的不断扩大,电网将持续受到风电场波动功率源的干扰。
The strong deviation and intermittence of the velocity and pressure fluctuations are found in the outer region about 3 ~ 4 times of the momentum thickness away from the mixing layer center , which are consistent with those observed experimentally 与实验结果相符合,本文研究发现,在混合层边缘约3 4倍动量厚度附近,流向和横向速度以及压力的脉动都存在强烈的偏斜和间歇现象。
Large intestine the symptom of carninomatosis person is different , can generate limitation abdominal pain , or it is whole next bellyacke , bellyacke appears repeatedly , often accentuate when the activity , by intermittence the likelihood turns for durative 大肠癌病人的症状并不一样,可以产生局限性腹痛,或是整个下腹痛,腹痛反复出现,常在活动时加重,由间歇性可能转为持续性。
In the first part of the paper , the development of motor control system fault diagnosis theory is summarized . on the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of wavelet , the theory is discussed and the definition of the singularity is given . because of the localization property of wavelet transform , wavelet analysis can be used to detect the characteristics of the singularity from the signal and intermittence fault problems lying in the motor under test 着重介绍了小波分析在电机控制系统故障诊断中的应用,根据小波理论在时域和频域良好的局部化性质,讨论了利用小波变换来检测信号的奇异特征的原理,给出了小波变换对信号奇异性特征检测的方法,针对实际应用,对小波基函数选取及小波分解尺度进行了探讨。
This paper use the ncep / ncar day - to - day reanalysis data of 500hpa high field and so on , choose ural mountain , baikal , okhotsk as the key district , the mid - high latitude of eurasia circulation courses that have long duration ( scale of time is middle , namely during 10 - 30 day ) , maybe continue continuously after being intermittence of 1 - 2 days in middle , appear repeatedly is for research object , define an index " i " of the circulation pattern over mid - high latitude of eurasia . a method is proposed to identify the summer typical persistent circulation pattern at 500hpa levels over eurasia mid - high latitude . the climate characteristics of those typical persistent circulation patterns are studied 本文利用ncep / ncar再分析逐日500hpa高度场等资料,选择乌拉尔山、贝加尔湖、鄂霍次克海这三个地方作为关键区,以夏季欧亚中高纬度持续时间长(时间尺度属于中间时间尺度,即10 ? 30天之间) 、中间可能会间歇1 、 2天然后又继续持续、反复出现的环流过程为研究对象,定义了一个夏季欧亚中高纬流型指数,在此基础上提出了一种对夏季欧亚中高纬500hpa典型持续流型的界定方法,研究了典型持续流型的气候特征,分析了流型指数的年代际变化,以及对应不同阶段、不同流型的降水场、加热场、海温场等的主要特征。