n. 1.拦截者,阻止者。 2.【航空】遮断器;阻止器;扰流板。 3.【军事】截击机,拦击机;拦截器;拦截导弹。 4.截击机雷达台,窃听器。 短语和例子 intercepter plate 翼缝扰流板。
Example Sentences:
Corrugated plate intercepter 波纹板拦截器
Such operations require close departmental and inter - departmental intelligence gathering and liaison , with the fast pursuit arm - the high speed intercepter of the small boat division - frequently being used to intercept suspects and make arrests 成功的打击行动有赖内部及跨部门的紧密联系,透过情报?集,然后再由小艇队的快速追截艇对涉案船只或人士进行截查及拘捕。