| 1. | Are you not first going to punish this insolent boy ? 你不先收拾一下那蛮横的小子吗? |
| 2. | You are an insolent fellow . 你是个蛮不讲理的家伙。 |
| 3. | She is the most insolent creature i ever put my eyes on . 她是我见到过的最傲慢无礼的人啦。 |
| 4. | I put my request in an absurd, almost insolent form . 我把我的请求用荒谬的甚至无礼的形式说出来了。 |
| 5. | The cold, insolent voice held an unmistakable confidence . 那冷淡、无礼的声音带有一种坚定不移的信心。 |
| 6. | He was not insolent to his benefactor, he was simply insensible . 他对他的恩人并非无礼,他只是漫不经心。 |
| 7. | The tone was typical chandler-half fawning, half insolent . 这是十足的钱德勒的口气--又是阿谀奉承,又是傲慢无理。 |
| 8. | They were insolent and overbearing to the servants and friends of penelope . 他们对待佩内洛普的仆人和朋友傲慢无礼。 |
| 9. | The attendant vaulted into the car, backed it up with insolent skill, and put it where it belonged . 管理员一步跳进车子,傲慢而熟练地倒着车,把车停到了应停的地方。 |
| 10. | I am sick of london, and of balls, and of young dandies with their chintips, and of the insolent great ladies . 我对伦敦厌恶透了,它那些舞会,那些花花公子。他们的甜言蜜语,以及那些傲慢的高贵夫人。 |