| 1. | It is the most inoffensive of the three . 它是三种中性情最温和的。 |
| 2. | He's such an inoffensive little man . 他是个无足轻重的小老头。 |
| 3. | English bees are gentle and inoffensive creatures . 英国蜜蜂是一种温顺的、不伤害人的生物。 |
| 4. | Her exultation being quite undisguised was singularly inoffensive . 她的欢欣因为是完全不加掩饰的,所以格外不惹人反感。 |
| 5. | All are inoffensive as opposed to products of methane, carbon dioxide formed under strictly anaerobic conditions . 这些都没有毒性,这与严格地在厌氧条件下形成的甲烷、二氧化碳的情况相反。 |
| 6. | This inoffensive courtier of impeccable manners was executed senselessly after an absurd trial lasting less than an hour . 这位举止完美,与世无争的庭臣经过不到一小时荒谬的审判就被毫无道理地处决了。 |
| 7. | I defy any one to say that our becky, who has certainly some vices, has not been presented to the public in a perfectly genteel and inoffensive manner . 我们的蓓基当然有许多品行不端的地方,可是她跟大家见面的时候,总是十分文雅得体的,在这一点上,谁也不能说我不对。 |
| 8. | The chocolate was inoffensive , for m . de villefort felt no effects 那杯巧克力并不是毒药,维尔福先生喝了以后并没有不良反应。 |
| 9. | By nature inoffensive , friendly and obliging , his presentation at st . james s had made him courteous 他生来不肯得罪人,待人接物总是和蔼可亲,殷勤体贴,而且自从皇上觐见以来,更加彬彬有礼。 |
| 10. | Truthful speech which is inoffensive to others , pleasing and beneficial as well as regular recitation of the vedic scriptures is declared austerity of speech 不冲撞冒犯他人,令人愉快,闻之受益的话语,以及经常诵读《呋陀》经典,所有这些被称作是言语(口)上的戒修。 |