| 1. | My ingenuity is on the rack to find a good excuse . 我正在绞尽脑汁找借口。 |
| 2. | Her ingenuity was at work to remedy the injury . 她的机灵已经在设法治疗这个伤痕。 |
| 3. | Human ingenuity never idles . 人类智能永远不会闲置的。 |
| 4. | He had not credited her with that much ingenuity . 他真还没料到她还有这样的聪明才智! |
| 5. | I appreciated his ingenuity . 我佩服他的精明能干。 |
| 6. | The eloquent auctioneer smiled at his own ingenuity . 能说会道的拍卖商对自己的口才十分赏识。 |
| 7. | It rose as a monument to human ingenuity immovably firm . 它有如人类智慧的丰碑,巍然屹立,岿然不动。 |
| 8. | This ingenuity produced a promising agricultural system in the past . 这种智慧在过去产生了有希望的农业体系。 |
| 9. | The structural analysis is very much more demanding of time and ingenuity . 结构分析更是要求更多时间和技巧。 |
| 10. | This might be academic ingenuity or controlled chaos . 这可能是技艺上的独出心裁,或者是一种有控制的混乱状态。 |