Wearing while it s true that gemstones such as ruby and sapphire are second only to diamond on the hardness scale , it is not a measurement of their indestructibility 钻石的物理特性较稳定,可用沸水清洗,但一些宝石如绿宝石紫水晶均非常脆弱,易受温度剧变的影响,应尽量避免使用沸水。
Within a big blaze of transformative flames he dances ecstatically , exorcising the ugly demons of greedy entanglement with a threatening gesture ; transforming hatred into wisdom with his diamond thunderbolt - sceptre that symbolizes the indestructibility of awareness beyond concepts 金刚手菩萨在熊熊烈火中狂喜的舞著其凶煞狞人的外相驱除了一切邪魔外道?手持金刚杵象征著不灭的佛性能够化?恨为空性。
In this paper , we mainly analyze the pricing strategy of digital products under the network economy environment . digital products are the results of the development of information technology with three characteristics of indestructibility , transmutability and reproductivity 数字化产品是信息技术发展的产物,在网络经济环境下的数字化产品的具有与传统产品截然不同的特性,包括非破坏性、可改变性和可复制性三种物理特点。