One of alaska ' s most heavily trafficked areas , the kenai peninsula abounds with postcard views ? snowcapped mountains , rivers that roil with spawning salmon , an abundant supply of moose , bears , eagles , and puffins , four active volcanoes , and a gigantic , otherworldly icescape , harding icefield 奇奈半岛是阿拉斯加最繁忙的交通要道,有着许多如明信片般的风光:大雪覆盖的山峰,充满了鲑鱼的河流,随处可见的的驼鹿,熊,鹰和海雀,四座活火山,还有一片广袤的,恍如隔世般的冰景- -哈丁冰原。
One of alaska ' s most heavily trafficked areas , the kenai peninsula abounds with postcard views ? snowcapped mountains , rivers that roil with spawning salmon , an abundant supply of moose , bears , eagles , and puffins , four active volcanoes , and a gigantic , otherworldly icescape , harding icefield 也是阿拉斯加交通极为繁忙的地区,在火山半岛拥有丰富明信片之称-积雪覆盖的山脉,河流,还有鲑鱼的卵给鹿,熊,鹰,和善知鸟(盛产于大西洋的寒带海鸟)等提供了栖息的乐园,四个活火山,以及一个庞大的超然世间的冰景,哈丁冰原。