I think what you experienced was hyperventilation . . 我想你是换气过度. .
I think what you experienced was hyperventilation 我想你是换气过度
Please rest for a while after 5 deep breathing to prevent hyperventilation 做深呼吸运动时,每做五下,就要休息一阵子,因为呼吸过量会令人晕眩
Traditionally , inhalational anesthetics with mechanical hyperventilation , opioids , and muscle relaxants are used in anesthesia for repair surgery 常规上,我们使用吸入性麻醉药物合并人工呼吸器、鸦片类药物以及肌肉松弛剂来维持手术所需要的麻醉。
Traditionally , inhalational anesthetics with mechanical hyperventilation , opioids , and muscle relaxants are used in anesthesia for repair surgery 传统上,我们使用吸入性麻醉药物合并人工呼吸器、鸦片类药物以及肌肉松弛剂来维持手术所需要的麻醉。
If present , these signs include pallor , weakness , lightheadedness , yawning , nausea , diaphoresis , hyperventilation , blurred vision , and impaired hearing immediately before the syncopal event 晕厥发生前,可立即出现面色苍白、虚弱无力、头晕、打哈欠、恶心、出汗、过度通气、视力模糊和听力下降。
In addition to applying relaxation techniques to alleviate discomfort resulting from repeated hyperventilation , the author also noted that negative emotion was the common cause of the subject ' s depression and anxiety 个案自入院后,笔者除了运用放松技巧减轻个案反覆换气过度所造成之不适外,另外也发现忧郁与焦虑的共同因素为负向的情绪,而此类患者常出现负向认知思考影响其情绪及行为反应。