3 the salt - resistant characteristic which is adapt to poisonousness of salt hydronium , such as salt - gland , crystal cell , and soon 适应盐离子毒害的抗盐结构特征。如盐腺、含盐液泡包、含晶细胞等。
It can avoid hurting hair and non - sufficient temperature with hydronium heater and highly heat - resistance colophony on the surface 表面使用了出色的耐热性能耐热树脂及离子板发热器。可避免损伤头发或温度不足。
Its solubility in the water of 90 is more than 100g litre and it can dissolve in alcohol . with good dye levelling performance and better white discharge character , it is sensitive to copper and iron hydronium , thus enough attention should be paid while dying to avoid affecting the colorful light 二染料特性:外观为蓝紫色粉末,在90水中溶解度是50克立升,可溶于酒精匀染性好,拔白性较好,对铜铁离子敏感,染色时注意,否则影响色光。
The choosing and producing of new types of health - protecting fibres provide more space for enterprises relating to weaving , clothing etc to develop new products . there are many types of high functional fibres , for example : minus hydronium fibre , which has been developed in recent years belonges to environment - protecting fibers . it s minus hydronium powder s releasing builds circumstance resembling narure , so as to present a clear and comfortable feeling , which is one that many fibre corporations recommend 通过该纤维中的负离子粉向环境中释放负离子,营造出仿大自然环境,给人以清新、舒适的感觉,因此成为纤维行业推荐的一种功能性纤维;抗菌聚酯纤维更是一种人们在现代生活中离不开的纤维之一,而如何控制细菌过度繁殖,保持人们在穿着上的健康将是纺织服装行业的奋斗目标之一。
His found that a large number of crystal cell is one of the typical salt - resistant characteristics in high - saltnity halophytes , and the distribution of salt hydronium inside plants appears obvious regional characteristic of many arrangements : salt - hydronium - - vacuole - - despersed singal crystal cell or vacuole bags which contain salts - - vacuole bags or crystal cell in groups or distributed as groups - - little consecutive crystal cell ring of organ periphery - - consecutive crystal cell ring of organ periphery 发现大量的含晶细胞是高盐度盐生植物的一种代表性的抗盐结构特征,并且盐离子在植物体内的分布呈现出明显的多层次性的区域化特征:盐离子液泡分散的单个含晶细胞或含盐液泡包成群或成堆分布的含盐液泡包或含晶细胞器官外周不太连续的含晶细胞环器官外周连续的含晶细胞环。