They found them, by and by, and were hospitably received and well treated . 他们渐渐地寻到了他们,而且得到了欢迎与优待。
He gave orders that the guests ( should ) be hospitably entertained 他下令热情款待这些客人。
I was hospitably entertained . thank you 谢谢你热情的款待。
When 8 : 30 , it was time for the classmates to ask questions . doctor lin hospitably and humorously and professionally answered the on - the - spot questions 30分,到了现场同学的提问时间,林总监也热情幽默并且专业的回答了现场提问。
Then the initiates were hospitably served dinner , and afterwards an entertainment program displaying the residents talents was presented . the quality of the performances was so professional that the initiates felt they were in a concert hall 用餐之后的节目表演,让游民们的才华有机会展现出来,他们的演出极具专业水准,令我们有置身音乐厅的感受。
In spite of his poverty , he did not accept offerings and people had high respect for him . when so - called spiritual practitioners visited him , of course he entertained them hospitably . he even sold his wife to do so 他很贫穷,不接受供养,不过大家都很尊重他,很多所谓的修行人都到他的地方,当然他要款待很周到,甚至把他太太卖掉,后来隔壁的很感动,就免费借他,也不要他的太太。