And there were squeals of delight from nearly all the girls in the room, who were amused by this eccentric horseplay . 房间里几乎所有的姑娘对这种古怪的恶作剧都觉得很好玩,一个个发出兴高采烈的尖叫声。
Can we stop the horseplay for one second ? - i ' m sorry , i ' m sorry 我们稍微停止胡闹吗? -抱歉,抱歉
- can we stop the horseplay for one second ? - i ' m sorry , i ' m sorry -我们稍微停止胡闹吗? -抱歉,抱歉
At first it was only horseplay but it soon got out of hand and developed into full - scale fight 开始那只是喧闹的嬉戏,可是很快就失去了控制,发展成了全面的斗殴。
After the horseplay by the wicked students , the classroom floor was strewn with crumbled chalk dust 那班顽皮学生闹著玩儿,捏碎不少粉笔,过后,教室地板上撒满了粉笔灰。
And with that she carried la faloise off into the lobby , while the other gentlemen once more resigned themselves to their fate and to semisuffocation and the masqueraders drank on the stairs and indulged in rough horseplay and guttural drunken jests 布太太听清楚后就把拉法卢瓦兹带到前厅里,而另外几位先生只好无可奈何地继续等待。那几个穿戏服的群众演员正沿着楼梯边走边喝酒,他们互相打闹,用醉汉的嘶哑嗓门说说笑笑。