| 1. | He was also on broadway with lena horne 他总是在百老汇和蕾娜?荷恩在一起 |
| 2. | That man her will wotting worthful went in horne s house 男子接受其盛情,遂步入霍恩产院。 |
| 3. | In horne s house rest should reign 余毕生受穷,实非出自本意也。 ” |
| 4. | She s in the lying - in hospital in holles street . dr horne got her in 眼下她住进了霍利斯街的妇产医院。 |
| 5. | Loth to irk in horne s hall hat holding the seeker stood 来访者深恐冒失,乃执帽伫立于霍恩产院之门厅内。 |
| 6. | Truest bedthanes they twain are , for horne holding wariest ward 二人兢兢业业为霍恩看守病房,确属无限忠诚之护士。 |
| 7. | Ward of watching in horne s house has told its tale in that washedout pallor 憔悴苍白,说明霍恩产院里那些日以继夜的护理多么辛苦。 |
| 8. | But this was only to dye his desperation as cowed he crouched in horne s hall 为鼓起勇气,彼遂将杯中物一饮而尽。此时雷声经久不息,遍及苍穹。 |
| 9. | Dean van horne : rejection . that ' s what makes a college great . the exclusivity of any university is judged primarily by the amount of students it rejects 迪安?范?浩恩:因为会被拒绝,所以大学才会如此充满魅力。任何大学的排外主义,都是由那些被拒收的学生所定义的。 |
| 10. | Of that house a . horne is lord . seventy beds keeps he there teeming mothers are wont that they lie for to thole and bring forth bairns hale so god s angel to mary quoth 彼在此院设有床位七十张,孕妇卧于床上,强忍阵痛,生下健壮婴儿,即如天主派遣之天使对玛利亚所言者。 |