On behalf of the herps and all animals that you help , thank you for contributing your precious time and energy , and for helping us herp herps ,以表扬及肯定其对本会的贡献。我们并会有不定期义工聚会,好让大家一起互相分享预备及检讨工作。
We arrange various educational programs for organizations and communities on request . going to visit hong kong ? if you have no idea of where the herp spots are , we can be the guide 本会乐意应邀为各类型团体提供讲座课程动物展出等教育服务,主题内容可弹性安排以配合不同类型的团体。
If you are sure you are capable of keeping a herp that you like , don t hesitate to fill out the adoption application form . make a donation since this program is not funded by any organization or group , all expense including maintenance and vet bills would have to be covered by donations and adoption fees 本会并未获任何政府团体或商界的资助,收养计划只能由捐款及领养费用方面弥补开支包括:租金医药用具饲料保温器材的电费等,但由于捐款不足,所以目前的状况仍是入不敷支。