Egypt on the eve of islam hellenism 伊斯兰教希腊文化前夕的埃及。
With the influence of hellenism , greek and mesopotamian astronomy and astrology were introduced 随着希腊文化的影响,引入了希腊和美索不达米亚的天文学和占星术。
But the main point is this : whether jerusalem is being compared with athens or any other centre of hellenised culture , there is a great deal more for modern scholars to say about the elusive and all - important question of how hellenism and judaism interacted as value systems 但问题关键是,不管耶路撒冷与谁作比,雅典抑或其它希腊文化影响的中心,当代学者还需解释另一个棘手却又重要的问题:希腊文化与犹太教作为价值体系又如何相互影响?