| 1. | Determinism : between philosophy and politics - heidegger and marx 海德格尔与马克思 |
| 2. | Martin heidegger german philosophy - proposed his theory of 提出了他的四合一说。 |
| 3. | An inquiry into heidegger ' s view of east - west dialogue 海德格尔东西方对话观探微 |
| 4. | Heidegger and his new definition of artistic truth 海德格尔与艺术真理的重新划界 |
| 5. | Martin heidegger and the mistake of object - imaginization 海德格尔与物象化的谬误 |
| 6. | Heidegger ' s elitism position from introduction to metaphysics 的精英主义哲学立场 |
| 7. | Heidegger and lao tzu : kernel problems of thoughts 海德格尔与老子思想的核心问题 |
| 8. | Science , art and truth : studies to heidegger ' s truth thought 海德格尔真理思想研究 |
| 9. | On the relationship between heidegger and phenomenology 试论海德格尔与现象学的关系 |
| 10. | The criticisms of metaphysics of marx and heidegger 马克思与海德格尔的形而上学批判 |