n. 船舷的上缘。 gunwale down [to] 船舷和水面相平。 gunwale under 舷边没入水面以下。
Example Sentences:
I took another drink of the brandy, then took hold of the two gunwales of the boat and moved forward . 我又喝一口白兰地,然后抓住船舷,走向前去。
Before him the gunwale of a boat , sunk in sand 前面是船舷的上椽,船身已埋在沙里。
Huck was sitting on the gunwale of a flatboat , listlessly dangling his feet in the water and looking very melancholy 哈克坐在一条平底船的船舷上边,两只脚没精打采地放在水里,看上去忧心忡忡。
Hauled stark over the gunwale he breathes upward the stench of his green grave , his leprous nosehole snoring to the sun 隔着船帮硬被拽上来的尸首,散发出绿色坟墓似的恶臭。他那患麻风病般的鼻孔朝太阳喷着气。
First , moving with all care , i gradually baled out the coracle with my sea - cap ; then getting my eye once more above the gunwale , i set myself to study how it was she managed to slip so quietly through the rollers 我先是小心翼翼地用水手帽舀出小艇内的水,然后再一次从船边向上望,看看它何以能够在海浪中如此平稳地滑行。
Five grown men , and three of them - trelawney , redruth , and the captain - over six feet high , was already more than she was meant to carry . add to that the powder , pork , and bread - bags . the gunwale was lipping astern 五个成年人,而且其中的三个特里罗尼雷卓斯,以及船长身高都超过了六英尺,这样就已超出了划子的容量,再加上火药腌肉和面包袋,这使得划子的尾部几乎与水面平。
Often , as i still lay at the bottom , and kept no more than an eye above the gunwale , i would see a big blue summit heaving close above me ; yet the coracle would but bounce a little , dance as if on springs , and subside on the other side into the trough as lightly as a bird 我躺在船底,睁开一只眼睛从船边向上望去,常常看到一个蓝色巨浪耸立在我的头顶,小艇纵身一跃滑向浪涡处,像装上了弹簧一般。
The sub - tropical climate lures office workers to sun themselves in the early evening on the golden chain of pacific beaches ; million - dollar yachts chase rust - stained dinghies between the cream - and - green ferries on the harbour ; ships like concrete blocks glide under the harbour bridge to the container wharves , past tourists beaming over the gunwales of replica 18th century sailing vessels 亚热带气候吸引着白领阶层在傍晚时分的太平洋黄金海岸边享受阳光;港口里白绿相间的船只之间,价值百万的游艇追逐着斑驳生锈的小划艇;坚固如混凝土大楼的船只穿过港口大桥,驶入集装箱码头,游客站在仿18世纪的海船船舷上微笑着。