Slote took a spoonful of gummy scotch broth . 斯洛特喝了一匙粘糊糊的苏格兰肉汤。
In washing my clothes my mother found the gummy weds and scolded me to break me of the habit . 妈妈给我洗衣服时,发现了粘在一起的一些小块块,就把我给训了,要我改掉这个恶习。
Easy on the gummy bears . the sugar ' s getting to you 话真多,我要用糖把你的嘴封住
That chap in the burton , gummy with gristle 在伯顿饭馆,那家伙用对付软骨。
Got any gummy humans 你有胶水吗
This seems to be especially true in europe : the continent ' s labour markets are gummier than america ' s and services are more regulated 这在欧洲似乎显得特别正确:该大陆的劳工市场要比美国的更具粘性,而且服务比美国要受更多的制约。
In particular , the production pingqie machine andthe gummy assembly and does the powder type gummy assembly theperformance to seize first the status in the colleague industry 尤其是,生产的平切机和胶粘复合机及干粉式胶粘复合机的性能在同行业中占领先地位。
We describe how to make the molds , and then show that the gummy fingers and conductive silicone fingers which are made with these molds , can fool the fingerprintdevices 我们描述自己如何制作铸模,并且显示透过这些铸模来制作的胶制人造手指与导电矽胶碳填充人造手指,可以顺利的欺骗指纹辨识感测装置。
Biscuits , ice - louy , fruit pulpiness , bread , chocolates , gummy kelt , medicine , jelly , adhesive tape , soaps , instant noodle , tissues , tray , adhesive tape , soaps , instant noodle , tissues , tray . . . ets . and any kind of solid products 饼干、冰棒、果冻、面包、巧克力、胶带、药品、香皂、速食面、面纸、零件、托盘等各种固型产品的包装。
A new imaging agent that homes in on the gummy plaques and tangles that jam up the brains of alzheimer patients has allowed doctors to see the disease in a living person for the first time , researchers said wednesday 本周三,研究人员说,一种能瞄准阿尔茨海默氏病患者脑损伤混乱团的造影剂,使医生首次能在患者活着时就了解病变情况。