| 1. | He groped for the door handle in the dark . 他在暗中摸索着找门把手。 |
| 2. | Groping in the dark , he suddenly touched something . 他在暗中摸索着,忽然触动了什么东西。 |
| 3. | He groped desperately . 他绝望地摸索前进。 |
| 4. | Tom's voice groped unsuccessfully for the paternal note . 汤姆竭力装出父辈的口吻,可是并不成功。 |
| 5. | A few officers were groping around and swearing to each other . 几个军官正在暗里摸索,骂骂咧咧的。 |
| 6. | We can see evidence of the compilers groping towards a "system" . 我们可以知道编者是如何摸索编目方法的。 |
| 7. | I groped into the dark room and fumbled for the bed . 我摸索着走进那间黑乎乎的屋子里,笨手笨脚地摸着床。 |
| 8. | It was something more than a blind groping of the blood . 她要捕捉的不仅是这种感觉,而是比它更为珍贵的东西。 |
| 9. | Lily flung out her hand, groped for her friend's and held it fast . 丽莉猛地伸出手,摸到她朋友的手,紧紧地攥住。 |
| 10. | Still half asleep, he gropes for the clock, manages to turn off the alarm . 他半醒半睡地去摸那个钟,设法把响铃关住。 |