Sibelius the swan of tuoela grieg suite no . 1 from peer gynt 西贝柳斯交响诗图内拉的天鹅
Respighi ancient air and dances suite no . 3 grieg holberg suite , op 雷斯皮基雅风典舞第三套
Geir : edvard grieg and the poet bj ? rnstjerne bj ? rnson had great plans for making an opera together 格尔:格里格和诗人比昂逊?比昂松一直希望能一起创作一个戏剧,却一直没有机会。
Grieg himself was very interested in the norwegian , but at the same time he was also very international 格里格自己也是一样?尽管他钟情于挪威民族音乐,但他同时也是世界的音乐家。
We end up in bergen , norway ' s best - preserved medieval city , taking in views that inspired composer edvard grieg 在挪威现存中世纪风味十足的柏根,看完给予著名作曲家格里格无限灵感的美景,行程告一段落。
Meet you local expert at nearby troldhaugen for a visit to the home of the composer edward grieg , the celebrated voice of norway 抵达挪威第二大城,也是不冻港的卑根,欣赏北国风味的渔港区,探访挪威大音乐家葛瑞克的故居。