The amino acid composition of collagen is very special , including 30 percent glycin , and 25 percent of praline and hydroxyproline 胶原占健康人体蛋白质总量的25 % 30 % ,相当于体重的6 % ,是人体内含量最多的蛋白质。
Iia were composed of hns 1 , sdt3 and sdt4 ; lib were mainly composed of strains from jinzhou ; ilc were solely composed of strains from hongan . strains of ha and lie can nodulate on glycin so / a and glycin max Ila由hnsi 、 sdt3 、 sdt4三株菌单独组成; ilb主要由来自荆州等地1氢株组成,同时还有wcdi 、 ah3等菌株; nc由红安的菌株单独组成。
Results of host - plant range test shown that all slow - growing isolates could effectively form nodules on arachis hypogaea and phaseolns vulgaris . they could not nodulate on visia sativa , and part of them could nodulate glycin soja and glycin max 宿主范围研究表明供试花根瘤菌均能在花生上进行有效的结瘤并固氮;部分菌株能够在野大豆和栽培大豆矮脚早上结瘤;所有供试菌株均不能在野豌豆上结瘤,但均能能在菜豆上结瘤且单株瘤数较多。