| 1. | And the sons of aram : uz and hul and gether and mash 23亚兰的儿子是乌斯、户勒、基帖、玛施。 |
| 2. | And the children of aram ; uz , and hul , and gether , and mash 23亚兰的儿子是乌斯,户勒,基帖,玛施。 |
| 3. | I ` m lying here dying , mom , i wish you ` d gether soon … 我躺在这里奄奄一息,妈妈,我多希望你能快点来… … |
| 4. | Gen 10 : 23 and the children of aram ; uz , and hul , and gether , and mash 创10 : 23亚兰的儿子是乌斯,户勒,基帖,玛施。 |
| 5. | Knowledge can come from taking things apart , but wisdom only ty putting things to gether 知识可能来自拆拆补补,智慧则必来自累积。 |
| 6. | The sons of shem : elam and asshur and arpachshad and lud and aram and uz and hul and gether and meshech 17闪的儿子是以拦、亚述、亚法撒、路德、亚兰、乌斯、户勒、基帖、米设。 |
| 7. | They get along beautifully ; have a wonderful rela - tionship ; share many interests and truly enjoy being to - gether 他们相处得很棒;有美好的关系;兴趣相投,真正享受两人在一起的乐趣。 |
| 8. | Jane : do you like eat ? 鄄 ing moon cakes ? every fes ? 鄄 tival my family will get to ? 鄄 gether to have dinner and then enjoy moon cakes 简:你喜欢吃月饼吗?每次过节我家里人都会聚在一起吃饭然后品月饼。 |
| 9. | Because umu is laminated glass , piece of glass are securely bound to gether while fragments are prevented from spreading should a break occur 因为umu是由薄片组成,玻璃稳固地被缚住及当玻璃碎裂时碎片不会散开 |
| 10. | [ bbe ] the sons of shem : elam and asshur and arpachshad and lud and aram and uz and hul and gether and meshech 闪的儿子是以拦,亚述,亚法撒,路德,亚兰,乌斯,户勒,基帖,米设(米设创世记十章二十三节作玛施) 。 |