Richard : uh , the guy was lou gehrig . didn ' t you kinda see it coming 那个家伙叫路葛瑞,你难道没预感吗?
Lou gehrig played first base 卢?格里克打一垒
It ' s also being tested in patients with lou gehrig ' s disease and huntington ' s disease 研究人员也正在测试米诺环素对肌肉萎缩症及亨廷顿舞蹈病患者的效果。
The stem cells could be used to help find new medical treatments for diseases such as alzheimer ' s , lou gehrig ' s , and parkinson ' s 干细胞可用于辅助发现某些疾病的新医疗,如痴呆症,肌萎缩侧索硬化症和帕金森症。
The old man taught albom valuable lessons about life and death while at the same time fighting a losing battle with lou gehrig ' s disease 老教授在与鲁葛瑞格氏症(肌萎缩症)做临终搏斗的同时,传授阿尔博姆许多关于生死的有价值的训诫。
The colonization of land by eukaryotes isthought to have been established through the symbiosis of a fungus and aphotosynthesizing organism ( gehrig et al . 1996 ; heckman et al . 2001 ) 经过真菌和光合生物的共生使真核生物在陆地上集群已经被认为确立。
Calling himself “ … the luckiest man on - the face of thisearth . ” new york life policyholder lou - gehrig bids goodbye to baseball _ fans at an emotional ceremony 纽约人寿保单持有人葛雷格在一场感人肺腑的退役仪式中向棒球迷告别,他称自己为这个地球上最幸运的人。
Phoebe : please , i almost fell for that with , uh , pride of the yankees , i thought i was gonna see a film about yankee pride and then , boom , the guy gets lou gehrig ' s disease 好了,我差点就上那个,什么, 《杨基的骄傲》的当了,我以为这是一部关于杨基的骄傲的电影,结果,洼,那个家伙得了路葛瑞症。
There , you can find the word ruthian , meaning " of mammoth proportions " , as in a home run by babe ruth back in the 1920s . there , you can find lou gehrig s disease , as the incurable degenerative illness amyotrophic lateral sclerosis has been better known since lou gehrig , ruth s team - mate , died from it in the 1940s 字典中“ ruthian ”一词的意思是“占巨大比例的” ,而该词的来源是20世纪20年代的棒球巨星贝贝鲁斯babe ruth ,他击出的本垒打占其全部击球的很大比例。