Harry became a brilliant gastroenterologist 哈利成为一个着名的肠胃科医师
Both technologies are currently used by ut southwestern gastroenterologists 此两种技术目前被ut西南胃肠病专家所运用。
" heartburn occurs when stomach acids splash into the bottom of the esophagus and irritate it . " explains gastroenterologist michael kochman , m . d . , of the university of pennsylvania school of medicine 宾州大学医学院胃肠科医师迈可寇曼解释:胃灼热是因胃酸冲到了食道底部,并刺激食道。
Participants representing a wide range of expertise , including gastroenterologists , surgeons , pathologists , public health workers , epidemiologists , health economists and family physicians , debated and voted on various issues regarding colorectal cancer screening and prevention 与会成员来自各个专业,当中包括肠胃病学专家、外科医生、病理学专家、公共卫生学专家、流行病学专家、健康经济学专家及家庭医生,并就大肠癌筛查及预防问题进行一系列讨论与表决。