[ dʒeil, dʒel ] n. 牢狱,监狱。 be sent to gaol入狱。 deliver a gaol 提审监狱中的全部罪犯。 in gaol 在押。 vt. 监禁,使…下牢,把…关进监狱。 ★美国用 jail , 英国在正式文件中用 gaol, 一般文字中 gaol 与 jail 通用。
The whole family must go to gaol or commit suicide unless such a bill could be paid . 不付账的话,她一家子不坐牢就得自杀。
The thief was hustled off ( to gaol ) 那窃贼被推推搡搡(进入监房)
Since he escaped from gaol , tom has been living on a razor ' s edge , terrified of recapture 汤姆越狱后,时时如惊弓之鸟,生怕再次被捕
Since he escaped from gaol , tom has been living on a razor ' s edge , terrified of recapture 汤姆越狱,时时如惊弓之鸟,生怕再次被捕
Be sent to gaol 被送入狱
In the morning , prisonrs in older gaols have to take their basins and buckets to the latrine for slopping out 老监狱的因犯清早要把他们的便盆、便桶拿到厕所里去倒。
The man was a good fellow till he was about fifty years of age ; then a rot set in , now he ' s in gaol 那个人到50岁左右一直是个好人,后来他受了一连串的挫折,终于进了监牢。
Employers of illegal workers were also prosecuted and fined and , in serious cases , gaoled . in 1998 , 聘用非法劳工的雇主,同样也遭检控和判处罚款;如案情严重,更会被判监禁。
Legislative councillors expel finance services functional constituency member chim pui - chung after he was sentenced to three year s gaol for fraud 立法会罢免因欺诈罪被判监三年的金融服务界功能界别议员詹培忠。