The adoption of a food safety plan ( fsp ) was continually promoted during the year 年内,本署继续鼓励食物业人士采用食物安全计划。
Fsp is a proactive food safety assurance model based on the principle of hazard analysis and critical control point 这项计划是以“食物安全重点控制”系统为本,采用积极的方法确保食物安全。
Fsp is a proactive food safety assurance model based on the principle of hazard analysis and critical control point 这项计划是以“食物安全重点控制”系统为本,采用积极的方法确保食物安全。
Apache jakarta tomcat has long been the reference container implementation for the latest servlets and jsp specifications Apache jakarta tomcat一直是最新的servlets和fsp规范的参考容器实现。
Our vision is to become the asia / pacific fsp market leader and preferable global sourcing unit within siemens group 我们的愿景是成为亚太地区消防和安防产品的市场领导者和西门子集团优选的全球资源中心。