adj. 〔主英〕每两星期一次的。 a fortnightly review 一种双周(评论)刊物。 n. 双周刊。 adv. 隔两周,每两星期地。
Example Sentences:
"the egoist" is the title from 1914 until its demise in 1919 of a london fortnightly review . 《利已主义者》是从1914年直到1919年停刊为止的伦郭一家双周评论的刊名。
Monseigneur, one of the great lords in power at the court, held his fortnightly reception in his grand hotel in paris . 爵爷,朝廷里有势力的大贵族之一,在巴黎城里他的大邸宅中举行半月一次的招待会。
The institute publishes a fortnightly bulletin 这学会会出版一份双周刊的报刊。
Weekly , fortnightly and monthly tickets can be purchased at a cost of approximately 12 , 24 and 42 respectively 一周票,两周票和月票分别约12 , 24和42
Board members are appointed by the chief executive . the board meets fortnightly to consider applications 酒牌局的成员由行政长官委任,每两个星期举行一次会议,审议酒牌申请。
Weekly , fortnightly , 3 weekly and monthly tickets can be purchased at a cost of approximately 14 , 26 , 38 and 44 respectively 一周,两周,三周和月票的价钱大概分别是14 , 26 , 38和44 。
Almost every fortnightly , we have bible study groups ( for god - seekers as well as for christians ) so that we can continually feed on the truth 为了在真理上得著喂养,几乎每两周我们有一次的查经聚会。
Study on regional headquarters published in business asia , a fortnightly report by the economist intelligence unit , january , 2001 经济学人经济资讯部二零零一年一月双周报告亚洲商业刊登关于地区总部的研究
Study on regional headquarters published in business asia , a fortnightly report by the economist intelligence unit , january , 2001 《经济学人》经济资讯部二零零一年一月双周报告《亚洲商业》刊登关于地区总部的研究
Moreover , the internet version of offbeat , the force s full - colour fortnightly newspaper , was revamped during the year to make downloading easier and faster 年内,警队全彩色印刷的双周刊《警声》革新了其网页,让读者下载资料时倍加方便快捷。