It is common in britain and the us to have a middle name and it can be a forename or a surname 在英国和美国,一个人有一个中间名字是很常见的,它是一个名,或者是一个姓。
As an example , sometimes you may want to search or sort by a forename and sometimes by a surname 个人姓名也很少作为原子标记,比如有时候会按照名称有时候则按照姓氏排序。
The below surname and forenames must be the same as applicant ' s passport / i . d . names , please provide a copy for verification 以下姓名必须与申请人护照身份证上之名字相符,请提供副本以供核实及盖上副本。
According to individual taste , the basement can be designed as privately owned bar , recreation room , forename treasure wine cellar , private collection museum , etc 可根据个人爱好,将地下室设计为私家酒吧、游艺室、名珍酒窖,私人收藏品展览馆均可。