The obvious achievement is obtained in the process of integration with the world economy . from the early 1990s until now , the scale that project contract , labor service cooperation , design consultation and direct investment to foreignness of jilin province is grew continuously . from 1991 to 2005 , the turnover of external contract project and labor service cooperation of jilin province is 679 . 75 and 161330 million dollars , respectively 以东北三省的平均数据和中国的平均数据为基准,通过对吉林省对外经济合作评价指标数据进行了无量纲化处理,从不同角度评价了吉林省对外经济合作发展水平,揭示了吉林省对外经济合作发展水平的态势和特点,并提出一些有参考价值的对策及建议。