Fred karlin , who is also a world - class jazz trumpet player and flugelhorn player , has written himself some spot to play , which is why he didn t want to conduct - can t conduct and play at the same time 菲德卡林是一位世界级的爵士喇叭和铜管的吹奏好手,他将在音乐会上吹奏他自己的创作,因为不能身兼二职,所以他不能自己指挥。
The continuous and profound flugelhorn sound resounded the experience of the poet on the endless journey : looking at the stars in the night alone , the poet suddenly realizes that the joy and whole universe are within one s own heart 值得一提的是,卡林先生在和平追寻者中亲自担任铜管独奏绵延深长的号音,反响在诗人无尽的旅程上
Fred karlin , a highly respected composer , is not only a noted musician but is also a well - known music educator . his books , favorites of movie fans , have also become the must - read textbooks for students of many musical institutions . it is worth mentioning that mr . karlin personally performed flugelhorn for " the peace seeker . 菲德卡林,不只是一位成就显赫的音乐家,他也是举世驰名的音乐教育家,其所著述的书籍,除了是影痴们的最爱,如今更成为各国音乐学院学生必读的教科本。