| 1. | This thesis discusses regulation on fima from legal perspective , consists of four chapters 本论文从法律的角度针对外资并购监管问题进行了探讨。 |
| 2. | It clearly gives concrete definitions of foreign capital , m & a and the law regulation of fima 明确了外资、并购、外资并购以及外资并购法律规制在本文中的具体含义。 |
| 3. | Regulation on fima can avoid and decrease negative influence on our country ' s economy , and also develop our country ' s economy 外资并购监管已成为防止和缩小外资并购对我国经济的负面影响,促进我国经济健康发展的保障。 |
| 4. | On the basis of the analysis , author puts forward her own proposals for improving legal system in fima regulation 对外资并购的监管不可能由某一部法律单独调整,需要众多法律法规的共同调整,从而构成一个完整的法律体系。 |
| 5. | It is necessary to regulate foreign investors " merger and acquisition ( fima ) in order to protect foreign investors and the state 无论从保护外国投资者利益方面考虑,还是从我国自身利益角度考虑对外资并购活动都有必要进行监管。 |
| 6. | Chapter 9 sets the goals and principles of regulating fima , offers the choices of strategies and suggestions on the policies in government regulation under the particular background , discusses related questions in the practice of fima in china 第九章提出设定规制外资并购的政策目标和原则,构建了我国外资并购的规制体系,并对与外资并购相关的若干问题进行了探讨。 |
| 7. | On the basis of the theoretical and positive study , chapter 6 overviews different stage of foreign investors " merger and acquisition ( fima ) , analyzes its characteristics , and forecasts the developing trend of foreign capital merger and acquisition in china 第六章描述外资并购在我国的发展阶段,分析我国外资并购的基本特征,预测我国外资并购的发展趋势。第七章对我国外资并购的动因和效应进行了分析。 |
| 8. | Chapter four : proposals for improving legal system in fima regulation it is necessary to improve legal system in fima regulation through analyzing current situation in our legal system . it needs a number of laws in order to regulate fima 第四章完善外资并购监管法律体系的构想本章首先通过分析我国相关的法律现状得出了有必要完善我国外资并购监管法律的结论,进而在此基础上提出了笔者关于完善我国外资并购监管法律体系的构想。 |
| 9. | Chapter 7 attempts to reveal the true motives behind the substantial fima activities in different perspectives , evaluate the positive or negative effects of fima in china . chapter 8 reviews chinese practice on regulating fima , and points out the problems that occurred 本文第八章对我国当前规制外资并购的法规体系、外资政策、竞争政策、审查制度以及外资并购国企的相关规定进行了全面的梳理,评述了我国当前外资并购规制政策体系及存在的问题。 |
| 10. | Especially , it offers some tentative proposals concerning the drain of state assets , anti - monopolization , credit transform interests , the establishment and perfection of the regulation of foreign investor merging and acquiring listed corporation chapter four concretely probes into the problems of government acts in fima , it offers some ideographic proposals concerning changing government conception , perfecting law system of fima and amplifying the law regulation 第三章具体探讨了目前我国外资并购法律体系中市场及企业行为规制所存在的问题,着重就外资并购中国有资产流失、反垄断问题、债转股问题以及外资并购上市公司制度的建立和完善提出了初步的建议。第四章具体探讨了外资并购中政府行为规制所存在的问题,并提出了转变政府观念、完善外资并购法律体系、健全相关法律制度的具体建议。 |