n. 〔拉丁语〕 (pl. -ta ) 【法律】 1.事实;行为。 2.呈文,事实陈述书,辩驳书。 3.(遗嘱的)正式订立。
Example Sentences:
Accordingly , when coming into internet room , every people chooses factum by oneself , being responsibility for factum by oneself . everyone ' s self - discipline is the essence morality that the internet community call for the web - person 因此,进入网络空间,只有自己决定自己的行为,只有自己对自己的行为负责,每一个网众行为的高度自律成为网络社会对网众的基本道德要求。
This text begins with analysis that our country appraises the confusion of the system at present in real example , exposing ontology question of the scientific knowledge in terms of philosophy of science , regarding this as the platform , the text has analysed the concept of the scientific evidence , procedure function of the scientific evidence , studied the value of the scientific evidence , put forward standard that scientific evidence can adopt should be : the scientific knowledge of the basis has validity , relevancy with the factum probanda the method and conclusion have reliability 本文以法官如何审查认定科学证据,限制专家话语权扩张对纠纷解决机制的侵袭为立论平台,从实证分析我国目前鉴定体制的混乱切入,从科学哲学的角度阐述了科学知识的本体论问题,以此为平台,分析了科学证据的概念、科学证据的程序功能,研究了科学证据的价值,提出科学证据可采的标准应当是:依据的科学知识具有有效性,与待证事实具有相关性,方法和结论具有可靠性。
As the important constituent of the presumption rule , fact presumption is a rule of when the fact prove falls into the difficult position , according to the deduction by the common sense , the judge forms a temporarily inner conviction to the factum probandum under the proof standard , and shifts the subjective burden of proof between the litigants , thus helps the part to overcome the condition of facts prove 作为事实认定的重要组成部分,事实推定是裁判者在案件事实的证明陷入困境时,根据经验法则进行推理,在证明标准之下,暂时形成对案件待证事实的心证,并在当事人之间转移主观证明责任,从而避免诉讼陷入僵局,排除当事人举证困难的证明法则。