| 1. | I have "an expressive face. " 我有一副“表情丰富的脸孔”。 |
| 2. | She was so modest, so expressive . 她的态度那样幽静娴雅,她的神气那样脉脉含情。 |
| 3. | The jew nodded an expressive approval of this mode of treatment . 老犹太点点头表示赞成采用这种疗法。 |
| 4. | I acted out a pantomime more eloquent than my most expressive words . 我扮演的哑剧比我最富表现力的语言还要意味深长。 |
| 5. | He dropped my hand and covered gatsby with his expressive nose . 他放下了我的手,把他那只富有表情的鼻子对准了盖茨比。 |
| 6. | The face was not at all insipid, but it was not exactly expressive . 这张脸当然不能说缺少吸引力,然而又不是那么富于表情。 |
| 7. | The doctor sat with his eyes quietly fixed on his bright, expressive face . 医生两眼一直紧盯着这位客人容光焕发、表情生动的脸。 |
| 8. | Unfortunately this expressive word has not yet made its way across the channel . 不幸的是,这个富有表现力的词尚未越过海峡传过来。 |
| 9. | Her companion was of lower stature, with light brown hair and expressive blue eyes . 她的女伴身体稍矮,头发淡褐色,富于表情有双蓝眼睛。 |
| 10. | Marked tranquillo and expressive is a songful tune filled with romantic longing . 这是一个充满了罗曼蒂克渴求的如歌旋律,标记是“安静的有表情的”。 |