In all legislative codes the exoneration of crime or admission of mitigating circumstances rests only on those three classes of consideration 一切法典所承认的无责任能力和减罪的情事,仅仅依据这三点理由。
Nevertheless , there shall be no such exoneration or reduction if , in the case of the fault of a servant or agent , the person who suffers the damage proves that his servant or agent was acting outside the scope of his authority 但是,损害是由于受害人的受雇人、代理人的过错造成时,受害人证明其受雇人、代理人的行为超出其所授权的范围的,不免除或者不减轻应当承担责任的人的赔偿责任。
After clarifying the relation between the principles for attribution in general principles of the civil law and deposition methods . the author thinks that there is no conflict between them , but there is minor difference between the reasons for exoneration 分析了《民法通则》和《处理办法》在归责原则方面的关系,认为他们之间在归责原则上没有矛盾,也承认他们之间在免责事由上有细微差异。
After the comparative analysis of the reasons for exoneration in legislations in germany , japan and france , the author points out the attitude that our country should adopt on this issue , and then analyze the conflict on the reasons for exoneration between general principles , desposition methods and pronunciation , finally , the author calls for legislation to solve the issue . part ii : the identification of the liability subjects for vehicle accidents 通过比较德国、日本和法国这三个适用无过错责任的国家在免责事由方面的立法,指出我国在机动车交通事故免责事由上应当采取的态度,继而分析了《民法通则》 、 《处理办法》以及《公告》三者之间在免责事由方面的冲突,建议尽快通过立法予以解决。