| 1. | This struck her as a clumsy evasion . 她立刻感到这是何等笨拙的推诿之词。 |
| 2. | There is often tax evasion in the case of customs duties . 即使关税,也经常发生逃税。 |
| 3. | This was a moment of truth in which evasion had no place . 这个真理由不得任何人逃避。 |
| 4. | Its philosophy was a pompous evasion of real things . 它的哲学是一种对实际的浮夸遁辞。 |
| 5. | In the naval sphere similar evasions were practised . 在海军方面,德国人也是实行同样的掩饰手段。 |
| 6. | As a result, natty's moves constitute an evasion of society . 因此,纳蒂只得隐遁,和社会脱离关系。 |
| 7. | Clara's fibs and evasion disturbed her not in the least that morning . 克莱拉的谎言和遁词在那天早上一点也没有使她不安。 |
| 8. | Dealing with the black economy in this broader sense, one must also consider tax evasion . 关于广义的黑市经济,必须也考虑到税款的偷漏。 |
| 9. | The miraculously happy ending seems like an evasion of complexities that the book itself has raised . 奇迹般的圆满结局象是在躲避小说本身提出的复杂问题。 |
| 10. | If he had been more than temporarily relieved by the evasions of the letter, he might have rejected some of her scorn . 这封信的花言巧语暂时地宽了宽他的心,不然、他也许会反驳她的讥诮。 |